Strawberry thumbprint cookies. Remove the leafy tips of the strawberries and use a paring knife to further remove the tough ends. These Thumbprint Cookies are perfect for the holidays or any occasion! I filled these cookies with strawberry and apricot jam, but you can fill them with just about any flavor.
Raw Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies Video Recipe.
I used strawberries as they are in season at the time of making the recipe.
These will work well with just about any fruit or berry - I've made them with.
Kamu dapat harus Strawberry thumbprint cookies menggunakan 13 bahan dan 4
Langkah. Inilah cara kamu mencapai itu.
Bahan-Bahan Strawberry thumbprint cookies
- Siapkan 50 gr , margarin.
- Siapkan 100 gr , butter.
- Siapkan 120 , gula halus.
- Siapkan 25 gr , susu bubuk.
- Siapkan 20 gr , tepung maizena.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt , baking powder.
- Siapkan 225 gr , tepung terigu protein rendah.
- Siapkan 1 butir , kuning telur.
- Siapkan , Baluran.
- Siapkan 55 gr , keju parut.
- Siapkan 1 butir , putih telur.
- Siapkan , Filling.
- Siapkan , Selai strawberry.
These little raw strawberry thumbprint cookies are modeled after an old favorite of mine that used poppy seeds and strawberry jam. To make them much healthier, the base is almonds. I think it's because they combine so many things people love. Raspberry Almond Shortbread Thumbprint Cookies - These are simply delicious and they definitely need to find a place on your holiday cookie tray!
Cara pembuatan Strawberry thumbprint cookies
- Kocok butter,margarin, dan gula halus sampai pucat tambahkan kuning telur aduk rata,.
- Masukan tepung terigu susu bubuk tepung maizena baking powder aduk rata dengan sepatula.
- Bulatkan adonan celup keputih telur lalu guling kan ke keju parut,taruh di atas loyang tekan tengahnya dengan ujung jari.isi dgn selai.
- Panggang di oven suhu 150 selama 15-20 menit sesuai oven masing-masing,hingga berwarna keemasan..
Great recipe for Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies. #TeatimeSnack. Mix and make a dough knead the dough very well because of kneading no cracks will appear on cookies. At the bottom of our list was the strawberry thumbprint cookie. This cookie looks absolutely beautiful but didn't quite live up to our expectations. Thumbprint cookies are a Christmas tradition.